Daily Thoughts &
Unforgettable Moments
diving into a world of my words…
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Australia, where it all started
The travel bug bit me! Studying Abroad in Australia, backpacking from Tasmania to Cook Town, staying with nudest, hitch hiking, wwoofing, and scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef.
People of Nepal
Walking, Biking, Flying through the Himalayan Mountains and meals in strangers kitchens
We packed up our life in the country side of France and moved to Saint Jean De Luz
Going deep into the heart of the world, finding comfort in discomfort, letting love in, and of course the Orca that ended it all.
The Atlantic Ocean
“A man is like a forest; individual and yet connected and dependent on others for growth”
Tuning in and following your intuition will never steer you wrong.
It might feel as if “it" feels impossible or nothing adds up of WHY you would do such a thing, but you know what’s best for YOU - go after your dreams! I can go on forever about more “inspiration talk”, so feel free to ask me for anything through my contact form.
The opportunities in my life didn’t happen by chance. It took courage, perseverance, bravery, and saying YES to life. Of course I’ve been scared, lonely, and fear has tried to steer me many times just like everyone else. Its a constant practice, that never stops!
